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Is It Ok to Eat Carrots Every Day?

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Carrots contain a host of vitamins and minerals that are good for your health. With a nutrient like beta carotene in abundance, it’s no surprise how healthy carrots are.

With all the benefits and nutrients in carrots, one could wonder is it okay to eat carrots every day?

You can eat carrots regularly, but eating them every day can lead to the accumulation of beta carotene. When this happens, you can develop a condition known as carotenemia. Although this condition is harmless, it can be uncomfortable.

carrot sticks with dip

If you want to eat carrots regularly, how do you go about it safely? Let’s take a closer look at carrots and how to learn how much is too much.

Is It Ok to Eat Carrots Every Day?

Eating carrots every day is not as healthy as you might think. Consuming too many carrots can lead to excess levels of beta carotene in the body.

Beta carotene is the molecule responsible for giving carrots its bright orange color. It is also a precursor of vitamin A.

When carotene is in excess, it will accumulate in the outermost layer of skin. When this happens, the skin becomes discolored.

The accumulation causes yellow or orange-pigmented skin, and this is most noticeable in the knees, nasal area, soles, and palms.

This condition is known as carotenemia.

Carotenemia occurs because carotene is a fat-soluble molecule. Its fat solubility means that the body cannot remove it very fast.

Carotene can easily accumulate when you get too much of it.

fresh slim carrots on the table

When you eat carrots, your body processes beta carotene and removes the excess. But when the intake surpasses the rate at which it can eliminate, the body will start accumulating the excess beta carotene.

Carotenemia is known to occur mostly in babies when they eat too much carrot baby food. However, it can also occur in adults.

The outward appearance might look bad, but carotenemia is not a really harmful condition. It can also be reversed once the intake of beta carotene is substantially reduced.

One downside of carotenemia is that it can be confused with jaundice. This can cause one to panic before realizing the situation is not so bad.

Some other side effects of consuming too many carrots include the following:

  • Consuming too many carrots means an increase in fiber consumption. This fiber increase can lead to temporary bowel disruption. Until your digestive system adjusts to the fiber increase, it will cause loose stools.
  • The fiber intake increase can also result in constipation. This happens when you do not drink enough water to allow the fiber to move through the digestive system.
  • Having to consume a particular food often usually implies a limited diet. Carrots may be rich in vitamin A, fiber, potassium, magnesium, and other vitamins. But they are not a good source of some other nutrients, such as calcium and iron.
  • Carrots have low fat content. Fat is essential for your body to absorb and use beta carotene and vitamin A efficiently. You may not be getting as much as you should if you eat an unbalanced diet consisting primarily of carrots.

Are Carrots Fattening?

different slices of carrot

Consumption of any food in excess will lead to weight gain.

If you do not burn all the calories you consume, your body converts and stores them as fat.

Carrots happen to be low in calories. You would have to eat a large number of carrots before you can gain any weight.

When you are on the hunt for low-calorie foods, carrots are a good choice. Carrots provide several essential vitamins and nutrients in a relatively small package.

Carrots may not be fattening, but dishes made with carrots can be fattening.

If the dishes are made with a lot of high-calorie ingredients, it can lead to weight gain. Regular consumption of fresh carrots will have no negative effect on your diet.

The table below shows some nutritional facts for carrots:                               

 CaloriesProteinFatCarbohydratesFiberNatural Sugar
1 cup of chopped raw carrots501 gram0.3 grams12 grams3.6 grams6 grams
A single medium carrot250.5 grams< 0.3 grams6 grams1.7 grams3 grams

You can see carrots have low calorie and fat content, so they are a healthy addition to any diet, especially if you are looking to lose weight.

How Many Carrots Are Too Many?

With their high fiber and low fat content, carrots make a wonderful addition to most people’s diets. But if you consume too many carrots, you may end up looking like one.

So, how do you know when it’s enough?

For you to develop carotenemia, you have to eat as much as 20-50 milligrams of carrots per day. In other words, eating approximately three large carrots per day is too much.

How Many Carrots Should I Eat?

carrot servings

Consuming too many carrots has some negative side effects. The question now is, how many carrots is enough for you?

Over 24 hours, a one-cup serving of carrots mixed in with other vegetables is enough.

One cup serving consists of 12 baby carrots or 2 medium carrots. These quantities provide about 50 calories.


Regular consumption of carrots might be okay, but eating carrots every day is not advisable.

If you eat carrots every day, you may experience carotenemia. Although the condition is harmless, you may not like what you see.


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